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CryoPen Wart & Mole Removal

The CryoPen is an advanced method to remove warts, moles and other minor skin lesions. This treatment is well-tolerated with minimal side-effects and downtime. The CryoPen is safe to use even on delicate skin, including around the eye area. With such precise application, the CryoPen is safe, minimally invasive and effective. Whether you’re dealing with cosmetic concerns or functional issues as a result of skin lesions, this is a great way to restore smooth, healthy-looking skin.

How Does The CryoPen Work?

The CryoPen works by infusing the lesion with liquid nitrous oxide at around -89 degrees Celsius. This freezes the skin. The freezing causes the lesion to crystallise, which ruptures the cell membranes and destroys them. As a result, the tissue will eventually fall off or be absorbed by the body. Because the cells are completely destroyed, they won’t return in future.

The pen format allows precision to the millimetre. This means that your healthy tissue will not be affected by the freezing, and there will be minimal trauma to the skin. The CryoPen can effectively treat warts and moles, as well as skin tags, verrucas, cherry angioma, milia and many other benign skin problems. Some lesions may require multiple treatments for a successful treatment. We’ll consult with you and give you an estimate of how many CryoPen applications you may need.

Woman With A Slim Face Touching Her Cheeks
Mole Removal Treatment Being Done Using Cryopen

Does CryoPen Hurt?

The precision that CryoPen has to offer means that only a very small area of skin will be affected. Because this technology uses freezing temperatures to treat the skin, no anaesthetic is required. This is because extreme cold causes anaesthesia, making this a relatively pain-free treatment.

However, the freezing can feel a little uncomfortable, with some saying that it feels like a stinging sensation. This discomfort is mild and temporary, and the treatment will take less than a minute to complete. Post-treatment, you may have some redness, itching, blistering and swelling as the area heals. Most people will be able to resume their normal activities immediately, with the area fully healed within one to six weeks.

The Benefits Of Precision Skin Treatment

The CryoPen is specifically designed to safely and effectively treat minor skin lesions without damaging the surrounding skin. This advanced technology allows you to restore the appearance of your skin without the need for surgery. Because CryoPen’s freezing technology destroys the DNA of the lesion, complete removal is possible without the worry of recurrence. If you’re worried about the appearance of any minor skin lesion, this is a quick and easy way to resolve the issue.

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Choose CLT Natural Aesthetics For CryoPen Treatment

If you’d like to take advantage of this incredible treatment, get in touch to book your appointment today.